“Join me for a walk. Together we will explore and discover the fascinating stories and tales that fill every corner of Vienna .”

– Mirko Postolovski

🏆1 st  Place – Best Free Tour in Europe for the tour Free Walking Tour in Vienna City Center” 

🏆1 st Place – “Best Free Tour Independent Guide Worldwide”


Walking Tours

Get a closer look at Vienna’s most interesting and unique sites

Vienna Inside

Take a tour at the various Museums in Vienna...


The local guide will create a tour based on your interests.



Rise from ashes to the highest spot in Vienna

The Weekend before the second lockdown, I went with a couple of friends, Austria guides, to explore the development of ...
Vienna 2050 night view

Walking through Vienna in the year 2050

Are you willing to take a walk into the future? Free your mind, hit a “read more” button, and join ...
Viennese Coffee Haus

The charm of the traditional Viennese Coffee house

The traditional Viennese coffee house is as much as a part of the cityscape as the Castle Schönbrunn, the Giant ...